Summer foliage and flowers

Summer foliage and flowers
14 May 2021 182 view(s)
Summer foliage and flowers

A sunny spring and 'April showers' in May bring fresh new foliage to the trees and shrubs on the nursery.

Looking great now are the late flowering Rhododendrons like deep royal purple Marcel Menard which flowers from late May to June and grows to 150cm. Flowering dogwoods are stunning from late spring to early summer. Cornus Venus is a particularly good variety with large white bracts that turn pink with age.

Laburnum Vossii or Golden Rain Tree has beautiful hanging flowers at this time of year, ideal for a small garden and can be trained to great effect on arches but do note that the seed pods are poisonous.

Laburnum Vossii

As soon as temperatures go up and there is sufficient moisture in the soil spring foliage flourishes. Pristine new leaves on the Japanese Acers are particularly stunning at this time of year. Acer dissectum viridis and Acer dissectum Inibashidare are two beautiful varieties. Japanese Acers thrive in a sheltered site with atleast partial shade.

Acer dissectum varieties

Acer Osakazuki - one of the best for stunning red colour in the autumn - has delicate pink 'keys' to contrast with fresh green foliage in spring:

Acer Osakazuki

Acer Bloodgood is a reliable variety with deep burgundy red foliage:

Acer Bloodgood

Foliage of both evergreen and decidous, trees and shrubs can be used to great effect to enhance and set off the colours of flowering shrubs and herbaceous plants during summer. Some strategically placed border shrubs with contrasting foliage colour, shape and form can make a mixed border come alive with colour and, if evergreen, provide structure in the winter too.

Here the blue flowers of Ceanothus - attractive to us and pollinators alike - contrast with the golden conifer Cupressus 'Gold Rider' trimmed to form a sphere.

Ceanothus and golden conifer

There is lots of inspiration to be found in the nursery and gardens at this time of year, for planning later planting or pure enjoyment! 

Wishing all our customers a lovely summer.